A brief history of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper and her contributions to Interactions Design


Midterm Presentation

Week 8 - Post Presentation Reflection
I feel as though our presentation was well rounded, and our insights were supported by our research, but I agree with the professor’s feedback. Our personas and user journey map could use more data/information to make them more robust to further support our concept.
We also had the idea to add a virtual/live person customer support option to our integrated voice operated kiosk, however, I found Maxim’s idea or suggestion to add an automatic failover to a customer assistance option is an even better idea. This will help mitigate the flaws that come with Voice AI. I feel this will also help solves issues where the user may have an accent that makes it difficult to decipher.
Week 9 - Phase 1 Prototyping

Studio 1 Final - Hey, Metro!